Custom-designed to your specifications and international codes
Our qualified engineering team, consist of project engineers, mechanical engineers, detail engineers, welding engineers and sales engineers, is responsible for the coordination, design and customer service of the project. They have long standing experience in designing critical components.
Direct links between our engineers and production departments bridge the gap between design and manufacturing in the most effective and practical way. This depth of expertise and experience allows us to maintain our sound reputation as a truly collaborative partner.
Our design tools include:
- AutoCAD (2D design program)
- Inventor (3D design program)
- CadWorx
- PV Elite ( ASME Code calculations, PD 5500)
- NozzlePro (FEM program)
- SCIA Engineer (FEM program)
The design of all equipment, including drawings, calculations, and welding documents, follows strictly customers’ specifications and international standards.
We comply with the following international codes and standards: